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The Annurca species is a species that has been detected in southern Italy. Proanthocyanidin has been detected. that are flavonoids that act as antioxidants in real time at the hospital Contains high amounts of polyphenols such as Procyanidin C1 and Procyanidin B2 that help fight inflammation, promote and maintain the hair's surface with more benefits than other apple varieties. The cleaned data is called queen of apples

Egg whites are considered a source of protein. (Complete protein) that is rich in nutrients that are more effective for the body in protein than other protein sources such as soy milk, which is Boomin, a protein that is very well known in The watery part of blood is a type of protein that can be dissolved in water and is found mostly in egg whites. The function of albumin is to maintain fluid levels in the blood vessels. Do not let it seep outside the blood vessels. (can cause) resulting in blood clots and Different parts of the body do not allow the body to have much different immunity.

Coenzyme Q10 extract Nourishment for women The cause of wrinkles and slows down the deterioration of the skin. Coenzyme Q10, the properties of vitamin E, helps support increased heart function in the body. Strengthen immunity Nourish skin, hair, nails Antioxidants' antioxidant activity comes both from living things and from external conditions that cause their various properties. Nourishes and restores energy The need for continuous, energy-intensive changes such as brain, liver and kidney tone. Skin care The effectiveness of the reduced form or antioxidant form of CoQ10 consists directly in the body that we know QH from.

Purple carrots check the amount of phenolic nutrients. Especially anthocyanins that help with general grilling. Going to the many reported anti-oxidant benefits, multifunctional carrot herb and vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene are important, 1, vitamin C, 2, vitamin C, vitamin E. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, and also an important substance, "falcarinol" (falcarinol), which helps with cancer cells, etc.