
Coix Seed Powder, coix seed powder, has high nutritional value. It has a protein content of 13.84% and many minerals. It is commonly used as a meal replacement. Helps you lose weight well.

Durian Fruit Powder (Spray-Dried) Durian Powder Durian has a lot of nutritional value. Because it is rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin E and high in iron. Eating durian can help reduce cholesterol. and can help relieve symptoms of illness Durian contains high amounts of the amino acid Trytophan, which is essential for the body. Can help reduce symptoms of anxiety. Depression and insomnia. It also helps create a feeling of relaxation and happiness by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain.

Dietary supplement ingredients

Green Coffee Oil

Green Coffee Oil (Virgin, Cold-Pressed) Green coffee oil is extracted from unroasted coffee beans. Rich in antioxidants essential fatty acids and other beneficial compounds It can provide a number of health benefits when used topically or ingested. Here are some of the potential health benefits of green coffee oil:

Prune Fruit Powder (Spray-Dried) Prune Fruit Powder Digestive Health: Prunes are a good source of fiber. This can help promote bowel movements and prevent constipation. Prunes may help promote weight loss by reducing appetite. Increase the feeling of fullness and reduce calorie intake

Fucoxanthin is a natural compound found in many types of brown seaweed, such as wakame, hijiki, and kombu. It belongs to a group of chemicals called carotenoids. It is the pigment that gives plants their color. Fucoxanthin has gained attention for its health benefits.

Dietary supplement ingredients

Almond Flour

Almond Flour Almond Powder Rich in Healthy Fats: Almond flour is a good source of healthy fats. Including both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Garcinia fruit extract The fruit and peel contain hydroxycitric acid. (Hydroxycitric acid), also known as HCA, is a substance that has the ability to help reduce excess fat in the body. HCA helps inhibit the activity of the enzyme ATP-citrate lyase, which converts glucose from carbohydrates into accumulated fat. Can inhibit the process of creating fat. (Lipogenesis) in creating fatty acids and cholesterol in the crepe cycle, as well as helping you not feel like eating. without affecting the central nervous system in any way

The scientific name of chili is Capsicum frutescens L. It can be called by many names in English including Chili, Chilli Pepper. Even though it is a very large chili, it has a mild flavor. Sometimes it is called Bell Pepper, Pepper, Paprika, Capsicum, etc. It originated from there and was again and again imported into the early Ayutthaya form.

Stem cells from the radiator leaf on the control panel Alpine rose is a common alpine rose plant found on panels in Switzerland. The flowers are bright and grow at an altitude of 3200 meters above the water level. The foliage of this rose is visible year-round. And it is carefully monitored for high levels of UV. In the atmosphere it loses its color and retains its bright green color even during the season's snowmelt... blossom