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Apple Cider Vinegar extract is a raw material that can be used in dietary supplements for weight loss, including important ingredients such as acidic substances and the frequency of digestive enzymes. Foods that reduce fat accumulation, especially in the stomach area, help control blood sugar levels and prevent various diseases.

The scientific name of chili is Capsicum frutescens L. It can be called by many names in English including Chili, Chilli Pepper. Even though it is a very large chili, it has a mild flavor. Sometimes it is called Bell Pepper, Pepper, Paprika, Capsicum, etc. It originated from there and was again and again imported into the early Ayutthaya form.

Fenugreek Seed Extract Fenugreek or fenugreek seeds It is a seed from the pod of a bean plant. It has an aromatic aroma and has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and slow down the absorption of glucose in the intestines. Therefore, it can help reduce the level of glucose in the blood. It can also create a feeling of fullness.

Prickly Pear is a native plant that originated in the desert. Helps reduce appetite and control weight. Because of this benefit, researchers and nutritionists have developed and developed strains and A lot of research and innovation has led to the discovery that Prickly Pear is rich in nutrients. Useful in losing weight, reducing fat and cholesterol, reducing sugar levels, and helping fight free radicals as well.

dietary supplement formulations

Red Bean Powder

Red Bean Powder Red Bean Powder is rich in protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B and C. Red beans are a good source of nutrients and have many health benefits, including:

dietary supplement formulations

Senna Leaf Extract

Senna leaf extract It also contains many other important substances, both glycosides and including Sennoside which contains Sennoside A, B, C and D, which helps relieve constipation. Help deworm Helps get rid of phlegm It also helps reduce fever, helps heal wounds, and has the effect of inhibiting bacteria and fungi. Stimulates movement and peristalsis of the intestines, causing bowel movements. and stimulates the secretion of water to allow the body to expel waste products It also has the effect of helping to prevent infection of intestinal wounds. In medicine, the extracted leaves are used to make medicine for various diseases. Suitable for patients who have defecation and intestinal problems. Helps to take photos easier. The stools are soft and more numerous. Helps restore peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. The main substance that acts as a laxative is sennosides A and B, which are anthraquinone.

White kidney beans (white kidney beans) are plants in the soybean family, similar in appearance to soybeans. White kidney bean extracts contain important substances. “Phaseolamin” (Phaseolamin) which has the property of inhibiting protein starch (Amylase) that breaks down starch or just has the property of being a starch blocker (Starch Blocker) by binding to the bond between A component of starch, the enzyme amylase cannot digest starch into small amounts of sugar. All types or flours that we eat do not require sugar at all.

Garcinia fruit extract The fruit and peel contain hydroxycitric acid. (Hydroxycitric acid), also known as HCA, is a substance that has the ability to help reduce excess fat in the body. HCA helps inhibit the activity of the enzyme ATP-citrate lyase, which converts glucose from carbohydrates into accumulated fat. Can inhibit the process of creating fat. (Lipogenesis) in creating fatty acids and cholesterol in the crepe cycle, as well as helping you not feel like eating. without affecting the central nervous system in any way

Stem cells from the radiator leaf on the control panel Alpine rose is a common alpine rose plant found on panels in Switzerland. The flowers are bright and grow at an altitude of 3200 meters above the water level. The foliage of this rose is visible year-round. And it is carefully monitored for high levels of UV. In the atmosphere it loses its color and retains its bright green color even during the season's snowmelt... blossom

Green Coffee Bean Extract from fresh unroasted coffee beans, further roasted as a whole, contains important polyphenols, including chlorogenic acid. (Chlorogenic acid), an antioxidant component that is abundant in fresh coffee beans without looking at roasted coffee beans, will cause the amount of such important substances to be part of the benefits of the green extract. Coffee bean extract was found to be Coffee bean helps

Shell noodles or Psyllium Husk (Psyllium Husk) is an herbaceous plant or grain that is rich in dietary fiber from the seed coat of the psyllium husk tree. It has common names Psyllium Seed, Blonde Psyllium Seed, Ispaghula Seed, Psyllium Husk. Origin that started rapidly continuing and in source of protein and new zealand currently bred all over the world propagation of multimedia peanut butter to seed culture and young shoots.