Cosmetic registration service

Cosmetic Documents

          Cosmetic registration service Anyone wishing to produce for sale import for sale Or hired to produce cosmetics The details of cosmetics must be registered to the recipient. and when the Notification Receipt has issued the Notification Receipt, he may produce or import the cosmetic product. According to the Cosmetics Act B.E. 2558, Section 14, the notification and the issuance of notification receipts are in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions set by the Minister of Public Health.

          The informer must comply with the rules, procedures and conditions for the production, importation or contract manufacturing of cosmetic products prescribed by the Minister of Public Health on the following issues:

Registration of cosmetics

means products that have the duty of concealing, adding, as well as cleaning. must go through a quality inspection process And has been certified by the Food and Drug Administration to ensure that it is safe.

Cosmetic registration

production of cosmetics for sale or import of cosmetics for sale Must notify the details to the government first. By proceeding correctly according to the rules and methods for notifying details and being responsible for the finished cosmetics produced or imported to be safe for consumers. by taking various actions to achieve the following objectives

Information from:

Criteria for considering the registration of controlled cosmetics – Cosmetics Regulatory Group before going on the market. Bureau of Cosmetics Control and dangerous goods Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health
